business club ayrshire


Business Club Ayrshire

BCA is built up of a group of local business people.

Fortnightly meetings are structured to allow members to increase awareness of their company and services whilst discussing wider business issues. Membership fees are utilised to manage the effective running of the group and to provide financial support to local charities


BCA aims to help local business people work together to improve their business and to support projects in the wider community

We provide a platform and strategy for members to build relationships, encourage and support each other and develop skills to grow their business

Run by Members.

Business Coaching.



Refer Business.

Benefits Card.

Share Information.

Work Together.

Non for Profit.

Mutual Respect.

Charity Events.



Smokestack Presentation

Launch Digital Turn Ten…

IM Training

If you would like to know more about the club, please drop us a line.